Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kindergarten has changed. A lot.

In celebration of 100 days of school, Ally was asked to put together a "Collection of 100".  I have virtually no artistic or creative ability.  Thank goodness the instructions were to let the child's imagination direct this project.  I imposed my OCD to make sure everything was somewhat aligned, and the following is the result:

This required the use of a hot glue gun, and it is nothing short of a miracle that we both emerged NOT glued to the poster board, nor did we suffer any serious burns.  I was very proud of what we had accomplished together, and thought "I might be able to pass kindergarten after all."  While admiring our work, Ally told me "All the other kids have 100 of the same thing on their projects."


I just know I am going to get a letter from school.  And, I may not pass kindergarten after all.


  1. We just finished decorating our 100 days of school HAT. UGH!!!! This time, I am quite confident it will not get resent home.....like the solar planet project Hailey did in preschool. Yes, this former teacher, had a project sent back home to redo because apparently our work wasn't good enough. If I have to use anything more than a hot glue gun, we are screwed.

  2. We finally brought the project to school today, and let me tell you--it stuck out like a sore thumb among the other projects. Well, at least it didn't get sent back home to be re-done! I can't believe that happened to you. So hilarious.
