Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Goodnight, Perry...

He was a funny little kid with his curly hair, button nose and his slightly darker skin that never meant anything to us other than he was a little different, just like the rest of us.  So, he welcomed us, we welcomed him, and being in the same grade, he quickly became friends with my older brother.  Of course, being friends with one of us meant you were friends with the whole pack.

The two of them made a funny little pair, both slightly chubby, both a little dark (one spending every spare minute fishing or playing outdoors), and both with a goofy sense of humor.  One of my most vivid memories was in the midst of a game of backyard kickball, he stopped, wrinkled his button nose, cocked his head to the side, declared "I smell rain", and sniffed the air the way a puppy sniffs when it detects something mysterious.  To this day, every time it's about to rain and I detect that distinct smell in the air, I think of Percy Crosley, or as he became known as an adult, Perry.

We reconnected on Facebook after not seeing one another for over 20 years, and all those intervening years melted.  He was the most attentive user, always responding quickly to any comment or post.  And, he was the most optimistic and positive person.  Every morning, he'd give an update on his plans for the day while enjoying a cup of coffee, ending that post with "Enjoy the day! Be blessed!"  His evening post closed with "Much love as always! Be blessed! Ciao!!"

Last week, we lost Perry after a long battle with pancreatic cancer that had hatefully spread.  Perry knew his days were numbered, but that did not stop him from living, and sharing his love.  He was never judgmental, and always gentle in expressing an opposing view.  Losing him hurts.  Really bad.  Nowhere nearly as bad as the pain he battled for so long, but it still hurts.  My only comfort is that I know when he passed, he knew he was loved and cherished by so many all over, and he was not alone.  Rest, my dear friend.  You were loved, as much as you loved.  When my daughter smiles, I know you are smiling.  When my son giggles as he thinks he has tricked me, I know you are giggling at me, too.  Rest, and I know I have someone looking after my family from above.  Much love to you, and thank you for your many blessings.  And for now, ciao.