Here by popular request (3 people on facebook indulging my narcissism) is a view into the twisted paths that inhabit my mind. I have found that simply by watching life proceed, I have become more and more perplexed, amused, and thankful each day that I am who I am, and I am where I am. Which might be interpreted as "I'm glad I'm not you."
If you are sensitive, you probably should not read anything I write. Ever. Because while I do not go out of my way to offend, I also do not go out of my way to sugar-coat. Anything. Just ask my family, especially my husband and two kids (though only the 5 year-old speaks). Actually, you could probably ask anyone (which means you should already know this) that has ever had any form of interaction with me. This is my disclaimer that if your feelings get hurt or you lose sleep over something I write, well, don't come after me.
I warned you.
Well of course Ill read you, follow you, laugh OUT loud at you...have been doing that for years now. It's about time you started writing, my dear friend. Thank you in advance for all of the comical relief I know your blog will provide me.
YOU STARTED A BLOG!!! Can't wait to see what you have to say!!