The pleas for baby #3 have now become ridiculous. Sides have been formed: Ally and Sam vs. Anh. No Ethan because all he cares about is, well, I don't really know because he still isn't talking (not to worry--progress is being made, and I now live in constant dread that soon, he will tell me off and NOT stop talking).
Ally is vying for a sister. Apparently, Ethan is too much for her to handle as well. I told her that we could not possibly guarantee a girl, and then what? "Mommy, don't you know? You just have to pray and pray and God will send us a baby sister." How do you explain reproductive roulette to a 5 year-old, even if that 5 year-old is a newly minted Kindergarten graduate? "Ally, sometimes God gets too busy and makes mistakes (mosquitoes and tomatoes are perfect examples of God's imperfection). Exasperated, she insisted "Just don't worry about that now. Let's just have a baby girl and we'll call her 'Cutie'!"
Ally is the only one on this planet (Sorry, Sam) that could change my once-firm position against having another baby. Defeated, I let Sam discuss the topic again without decapitating him. Yes, I am fully aware the cutting should be elsewhere to put an end to this discussion. But anyway, he was completely on Ally's side and helped her launch a full campaign to have (sob) another baby.
So, I proposed a plan: I will go away for a weekend without him and the kids. Upon my return on Sunday, if the house is clean, the kids are fed, clean and clothed, I will seriously consider having a (gulp) third child. I will give serious thought to the possibility of children out-numbering adults, and try to disregard all the pains of pregnancy and the newborn phase. Sigh. Very deep, sad and defeated sigh.
And then, Memorial Day weekend came upon us! Three days of non-stop company and fun with the kids!!!
Tuesday night, Sam had the appearance of a beaten man. Tired, worn-out, and at a complete loss as to what was causing such distress in his children's young lives. I took this opportunity to ask when I should plan my getaway?
"No more kids, Anh. We are done."
Uh huh! I thought I could make him see reason. It takes some manipulation, but nobody will ever accuse me of giving up easily.
You know you want one...come on, Anh.